Mass Ministry Assignments for September 2022 - click here
Mass Ministry Assignments for October 2022 - click here
Mass Ministry Assignments for November 2022 - click here
Please contact the Parish Life office to find out how you can get involved in Mass Ministry!
Altar Servers - provide assistance for the priest during the Masses. Servers must be in 4th grade or older. Training is required and new servers are initially teamed up with experienced servers.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) - must be approved by the pastor and participate in required training. You are expected to be in "good standing" with the Church. EMHC are commissioned through the diocese every three years.
Offertory Families - bring up the gifts during Masses.
Readers - needed for all Sunday Masses.
Ushers - assist with greeting, seating, taking collections, and other needs to help prepare the place of worship for our parishioners and guests.
New ministry! Greeters - Welcome those attending Mass, assist with Newcomer registration and answering question before and after Masses.