
To inquire about and register for Baptism, please contact Fr. Jack or Fr. Shane at the parish at (918) 299-9406. Baptism classes are conducted the fourth Thursday of odd numbered months (except November) at 7:00 pm in the Community Room. For specific dates, please check the weekly bulletin. Please call to let us know you are attending. The parish nursery will be available during all Baptism classes.


  1. Contact Fr. Jack or Fr. Shane regarding Baptism at St. Bernard's.
  2. Youth and children 7 to 18 years-of-age are taught through the Religious Education Program.
  3. If you are unbaptized or baptized in another Christian faith and are interested in joining the Catholic Church, we invite you to explore the RCIA program at Saint Bernard's. To request a copy of a Baptismal certificate for any baptism celebrated at Saint Bernard's please call the parish office.


What are the requirements for Godparents?
Catholic Godparents must be baptized, confirmed, practicing Catholics, and at least 16 years of age. At LEAST one Catholic Godparent is required. Additional Godparent(s) may be adult, practicing Christians of other faiths.

Can I have more than two Godparents?
Yes, in several cultures the children have more than just two Godparents. Since it is the Godparent's role to help the parents through their prayers, actions and love, having more than just two Godparents looking out for the child is quite natural.

Must the Godparents be present at the Baptism?
No; while it is ideal to have the Godparents present, in some situations it is not feasible. In this case the family can pick a proxy to stand in for the Godparent. If a family has no proxies available, St. Bernard's will provide a proxy for you.

Must I have both a Godmother and Godfather?
No, many families find they do not have appropriate role models of a certain gender and choose both Godparents from one gender. Also since only one person is required for a Baptism some children have just one Godparent.

Can I have a Non-Christian as a Godparent/sponsor?
No; since it is the role of the godparent to help teach the child about Jesus Christ and the Catholic Faith. Non-catholics can be witnesses to the baptism.

How old should my child be at their baptism?
There is no set age for baptism in the Catholic Church. The age for baptism depends upon the family. Some families have the children baptized as soon as possible after the birth while others wait for various reasons. Quite often the family has to wait until Grandma/Grandpa and the godparents can all be here. Any child under the age of 7 will be initiated through our infant baptism program.

How is my child baptized?
Through the waters of baptism your child will be initiated into the Catholic Faith in a ritual that has been performed for many centuries and was initiated by Jesus Christ himself. The Priest/ Deacon will baptize your child by a triple immersion/ pouring as he says "I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." Through this prayer the Priest/ Deacon brings about the death of sin and brings your child into the life of the Holy Trinity through the Paschal Mystery of Christ's life, death and resurrection.

What is an immersion?
An immersion is the traditional method of baptism in the Catholic Church. Jesus was immersed in the river Jordan by John the Baptist at his own baptism and so St. Bernard's offers immersion as an option for baptism. The child is placed naked in our heated font and water is poured over the head as they are being baptized. The child's head never goes under water (think bath time). This is a very beautiful and powerful way to baptize a child.

Must my child wear white?
While white is the traditional color for baptism in the Catholic Churchthere is no requirement that the children wear white garments. Many of the children are dressed in white, but you will see some that are dressed in ther appropriate outfits. Please dress your child in whatever outfit you see fit. Your child will be presented with a white garment provided by the church to symbolize that they are "now being clothed in Christ." After a child is immersed they can be dressed in white outfit that is different from the outfit in which they were brought to the Church.

Can I have my uncle/grandfather/family friend who is a Priest/Deacon baptize my child? 
Yes, St. Bernard's does allow outside clergy to baptize children. Please call to discuss the requirements.

"Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from sin and reborn as sons and daughters of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made sharers in her mission..." (Catechism, 1213)