- The program is designed for preschool through twelfth grade students, and we encourage parents to enroll their children in the program. Each student must be enrolled through the Religious Education office before going into the classroom.
- Each student must be enrolled in the same grade level for Religious Education that they are in their public or private school system. Children repeating a grade or not attending school when they are age ready will be placed on an individual basis.
- Each student participating in a sacramental preparation program must be enrolled and attending classes for the entire Religious Education year. Students wishing to participate in the Confirmation Program as Juniors are expected to enroll AND attend the 9th and 10th grade classes unless they are attending Catholic schools. They will then only be required to attend religion classes in our program during their immediate preparation year.
- All students are expected to participate in their regularly scheduled classes on a weekly basis.
- After two (2) consecutive absences, parents will be called or Emailed unless the office has been notified as to the reason for the absences.
- After three (3) consecutive absences, we will Email asking to be notified of the intentions of the child and the family to continue in the program. If we are not contacted, we will drop the student from our rolls. Parents may reinstate a student at any time by calling the office.
Student Conduct
- Respectful behavior is expected from all students in the program.
- Dress Code for all students, volunteers, and participants in parish activities is to wear modest and tasteful clothing. The Dress Code for the Public Schools and the Free Dress Day Code for the Parochial School is appropriate.
- No food, candy or drinks will be allowed in the classrooms unless the teacher gives permission
- Student visitors will check in with the teacher and will be expected to participate in all classroom activities as well as follow classroom rules. Their names will be written on the class attendance sheet. All visitors will attend class rather than wander around the building unsupervised.
- If a teacher for some reason is not present in the classroom, the students are not to leave the room. The class may send a representative to the Director’s office to notify her and wait for resolution of the situation.
For Better Understanding
- Many misunderstandings and hard feelings can be avoided when teachers and parents work together. If you have any questions or problems, please call Sharon Lechtenberg, the Religious Education Director, immediately at 918-299-9406 Ext. 210 or 918-381-7869
Changing Classes
- In order to avoid further confusion, once students are assigned to a class NO changes will be made after the second class meeting. At the time of registration, requests are acceptable and encouraged. Late registrants will be assigned to the classes with the fewest students.