Youth Ministry


We welcome you to join our youth ministry! We look forward to accompanying you on your mission of deepening your relationship with Jesus. Our ministry will be here to walk alongside you (6-12 grades) through formational talks, small groups, prayer, adoration, and friendship. 

Middle School (6-8 grades)

Our Middle School youth group will meet every Wednesday night starting September 13, 2023. Our Youth Room (affectionately known as the Dawg House) opens at 6:30 pm and youth begins at 7:15 pm. We will have fun while building friendships with each other. We are learning about salvation history through a biblical lens this year. We start with the Bible Project from to kick off our discussions. 

High School (9-12 grades)

We will engage with each other through team building and competitive games. We will have engaging lessons and small group discussion. Our goal is to foster an environment that is warm and welcoming to all teens while upholding the teaching of the Catholic Church. We will deepen our prayer life through regular adoration and confession opportunities. Our high school youth will begin September 10th, 2023. We will continue to meet on Sunday evenings RE is at 6:30 and Youth is 7:30-8:45 pm. 


Middle School Summer Event Schedule

High School Summer Event Schedule


Joining our Flocknote group is the best way to stay in the know for all upcoming events! 

High School Parents can sign up here: High School Parents Flocknote

Middle School Parents can sign up here: Middle School Parents Flocknote

High School Students can join our Group me here: St. Bernard’s High School GroupMe

Follow our High School Instagram page: @st.bernards.yg


Available during regular RE year.


The youth ministry requires adult volunteers to ensure that all of our events are successful. You can help in any of our three teams.

Ministry Team

We are currently looking for people who would like to join our ministry team for the 2024-2025 academic year! It’s a rewarding commitment. We are looking for 6 adults who are ready to spend time getting to know teens and to walk with them on the journey of deepening their Catholic faith. If you want to know more about the time commitment fill out the form below so we can back to you with details.

Adult Volunteer Form